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Writer's pictureThalia Arenas

National Spouses Day

Updated: Dec 2, 2024

Whether you're 1 year in to your marriage or 1o, you're doing a great job at staying together and making it work through the roller coasters! We need frequent reminders that our partners are important in our lives. This is why January 26th is National Spouses Day. Other peculiar romantic national holidays include Wife Appreciation Day and Husband Appreciation Day as noted in the Love & Dating page of Love deserves to be recognized in many forms and every time you can.

As a Wedding Officiant I have the honor of marrying couples of various backgrounds. It's always a pleasure seeing two distinct people coming together, all because one day a spark of love ignited between them. Let that same spark be a frequent reminder for you, don't lose sight of it. January 26 is a good day to start thinking of your goals as a couple for the rest of the year. How will you re-demonstrate your love and affection for your partner? Here's five ideas (I could say 100 more but for the sake of time, let's keep it simple).

1) Slip a note into their clothes

2) Uber Eats a lunch to their work

3) Hit up your favorite restaurant

4) Pizza & Movie (everyone's easy favorite)

5) Gift them a calendar with activities you've pre-planned to do for the rest of the year!

Last tip, Valentine's is around the corner, which means there's really cool events scheduled during February. You can surprise your partner with tickets to somewhere special for V-day.

Have fun!

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